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Edit contact details for your respondents

Have you sent out your videoask but forgotten to turn on contact collection? And now your responses are flowing in but they're all appearing as "Anonymous" with no names? šŸ™ˆ

Or maybe you'd like to fix a typo, update an email address, or add a phone number. Read on to learn how to edit respondents' contact details.

Note: If you meant to turn on contact collection, then let's start by fixing that: Learn how to collect contact details from your respondents.

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Edit contact details

Assign an existing contact to an Anonymous response

Create a new contact for an Anonymous response

Edit contact details

If you want to fix a typo, add a phone number, or update an email address for a respondent, you can easily edit their contact details in your contacts directory.


Find the response you'd like to edit the contact information of in your videoask inbox, and click the three vertical dots next to it.



Select Go to contact.



You'll be taken to your contacts directory where you can update the contact details by clicking Edit contact details.



Edit the details as needed and click Update to save your changes.


Edits to the contact details will show in your contact's response.


Note: If you edit a contact's name or email address, this will update all of their videoask responses with the new contact details across all videoasks. 

Assign an existing contact to an Anonymous response

If you've received an Anonymous response, but you recognize the respondent from the video they've submitted or the answers they've given, you might already have their contact details saved in your contacts directory if you've interacted with them previously through VideoAsk. You can assign the contact details to the Anonymous response, and then you'll be able to reply back to them as normal.

In the example below we've received an Anonymous response, but from the video submitted, we recognize it's Andrew. We've previously collected Andrew's contact details in another videoask, so now we can assign the previous contact details to this Anonymous response. 


Select the Anonymous response from your inbox and click the three vertical dots next to it. 



Click Assign to contact. This will allow us to connect Andrew's Anonymous response to his existing contact details. 



Enter the respondent's email address and select their contact information from the contact list. 



Click Update to assign the existing contact information to the response.


The Anonymous response will now have Andrew's contact details assigned so we can go ahead and send a reply to him.


Create a new contact for an Anonymous response

If you've received an Anonymous response and know their contact details (but they're not already listed in your contacts directory), you can add their contact information to their response and add them to your contacts directory at the same time.


Select the Anonymous response from your inbox and click on the three vertical dots next to it.



Select Create new contact



Enter their email address and any other relevant contact information. Then, click Create.


Their name and email will now appear with their response, and will also be added to your contacts directory.


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